
The benefits of the sun and vitamin D for hair 

The benefits of the sun and vitamin D for hair 

The vitality of our hair is often an indicator of our overall well-being. Among a multitude of factors that influence its shine, the sun and vitamin D for hair play a crucial role. In this article, we'll explore how these two factors can profoundly impact the health of your hair and improve its appearance.

The sun and vitamin D for hair: essential elements

The sun is not only a source of light and heat, it is also essential for our body's production of vitamin D. When the sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit our skin, they trigger a chemical process that produces vitamin D. This vitamin plays an essential role in many bodily functions because it helps regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorus , two essential minerals in the development of bone structure. It also helps fight infections for a better immune system!

When it comes to hair health, vitamin D helps create new hair follicles, small sacs in the scalp from which hair fiber grows. But that's not all ! It also helps strengthen them and reduce oxidative stress, a factor responsible for hair loss.  

How to get enough vitamin D for hair? 

To benefit from vitamin D, essential for hair health, it is recommended to expose yourself to the sun without protection for at least 15 to 20 minutes per day. However, it is important to note that this exposure must be moderate and must not exceed this timing to avoid the harmful effects of the sun's rays.

If you lack sun or don't want to be exposed, there are other sources of vitamin D for hair. It is found in particular in fatty fish such as salmon or mackerel, but also in enriched dairy products, eggs and certain types of mushrooms.

For those who have difficulty getting enough vitamin D for hair from these natural sources, dietary supplements may be an interesting alternative. For example, our anti-hair loss and growth food supplement , which is formulated from a cocktail of vitamins C, B and D. It is designed to enhance hair, strengthen nails and improve the condition of the skin, all by effectively combating hair loss.

vitamin D

Precautions to take when exposed to the sun 

Excessive exposure to the sun can cause significant damage to your hair. The sun's ultraviolet rays can weaken the hair structure and lead to discoloration, dryness, split ends, thinning or even increased brittleness. Additionally, the sun can also damage the scalp, which can directly affect hair growth. To protect your hair from the sun, there are several measures you can take. Here are a few tips :  

Wear a hat: A wide-brimmed hat can provide protection from the sun's rays, keeping your hair shaded.

sun hair

Use a sunscreen hair protectant: Some hair care products contain sunscreen that can protect your hair from UV rays, like our Leave In 5-in-1 . In addition to protecting hair from the sun's rays, it hydrates, nourishes and gives a beautiful shine to your hair. For optimal protection, apply the treatment generously and evenly throughout your hair.

Moisturize your hair: Exposure to the sun can dry out your hair. So don't forget to regularly moisturize your hair, for example by using conditioner or a hydrating mask.

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