
Oily hair and dandruff: what to do?

<strong>Oily hair and dandruff: what to do?</strong>

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hair and dandruff are usually caused by excess sebum produced by the sebaceous glands of the scalp. Sebum is a natural oily liquid that helps protect and moisturize the scalp and hair. However, when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, hair can become oily and dandruff can form.

Where does oily hair and dandruff come from?

There are several factors that can contribute to excess sebum production , including:

·       Hormones: Hormonal changes can cause an increase in sebum production, which is common in adolescents and pregnant women.

·       Genes: Some people have more active oil glands than others, which can cause oily hair and dandruff more frequently.

·       Lifestyle: Stress, overuse of hair products and exposure to chemicals such as hair color can cause scalp problems such as dandruff and oily hair.

·       Health Problems: Illnesses like diabetes or thyroid disorders can cause scalp problems.

     It is also important to note that certain fungi and bacteria can cause dandruff.

This dandruff has a drier appearance and associated itching. It is therefore important to consult a doctor or dermatologist to rule out these possible causes.

How to recognize dandruff on hair?

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Dandruff is flakes of dead skin that come off the scalp and settle on the hair . They can come in different sizes and colors, ranging from off-white to dark gray. Dandruff can be dry or oily, depending on the amount of sebum produced by the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Dry dandruff is generally smaller and thinner, and it peels off easily from the scalp. Oily dandruff is larger and stickier, and it can mix with the sebum produced by the sebaceous glands, forming oily patches on the scalp.

Dandruff can cause itchy and irritated scalp . If they are frequent and severe, they can also cause redness and inflammation on the scalp. Dandruff can be annoying and can affect the aesthetics of the hair. It is therefore important to take care of your scalp by using suitable products and adopting healthy habits to avoid or treat dandruff.

What can cause dandruff?

There are several potential causes for oily dandruff:

·       Excessive Sebum Excretion: Oily dandruff is often caused by excess sebum excretion from the sebaceous glands of the scalp. When the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, it can mix with dead skin cells, forming oily patches that peel off and form dandruff.

·       Scalp Problems: Certain skin conditions like seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis can cause oily dandruff.

·       Yeast: Malassezia yeast is a species of fungus that is naturally found on the scalp, but if overgrown, it can cause oily dandruff.

·       Hormonal: Hormonal fluctuations can increase sebum production, which can cause oily dandruff. Oily dandruff is more common during adolescence and pregnancy.

·       Hygiene: Poor hair hygiene, such as not washing your hair or using excessive hair products, can cause oily dandruff.

·       Diet: A diet high in fats and sugars can cause hormonal imbalances which can increase sebum production and cause oily dandruff.

     It is important to remember that there is not always a single cause of oily dandruff, there can be a combination of factors that contribute to its appearance, so it is important to consult a doctor or dermatologist to eliminate it. other possible causes and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

What are the treatments for oily hair and dandruff?

There are different treatments for oily hair and dandruff, here are some options:

·       Anti-Dandruff Shampoos: There are specific shampoos in the market that can help reduce dandruff and balance sebum levels. These shampoos usually contain ingredients like zinc pyrithione, sodium salicylate or fatty acid salt sulfate that help reduce dandruff and the bacteria that causes it.

·       Acidic Water Rinse: Acidic water rinse (lemon water or water with white vinegar) can help rebalance the pH of the scalp and reduce dandruff. Apply after shampooing to the roots and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing.

·       Essential oil: Some essential oils like cedar, rosemary or tea tree oil have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce dandruff. Apply the essential oil to your scalp before washing your hair, then rinse it as usual.

·       Balanced Diet: A balanced diet can help maintain the overall health of your scalp and hair. It is important to get enough vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, iron and zinc.

·       Visit the doctor or dermatologist: If your dandruff and oily hair persist despite your efforts to treat it, it is best to see a doctor or dermatologist to rule out other possible causes.

     It is important to continue using appropriate skincare products, maintain a balanced diet, and consult a doctor or dermatologist if you have persistent problems.

Our flagship products at Aromas Cosmétiques against oily hair and dandruff

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To combat oily hair and dandruff, we offer a hair range specially designed for you!

In this pack, you will find the Purifying Detox Shampoo , the Purifying Mask and the Purifying and Detox Powder !

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The Purifying Detox Shampoo regulates excess sebum and reduces the frequency of shampooing .

·       Aromas Cosmétiques' purifying shampoo leaves your hair clean, reset and shiny.

·       It regulates excess sebum thanks to its cleansing and purifying properties.

·       It is suitable for oily scalps or hair with excess styling products.

·       It is enriched mainly with natural ingredients, bentonite powders, nettle, green clay, myrrh and vine, ingredients known to leave a refreshed and cleansed scalp.

·       It brings a pleasant feeling of freshness and calms irritations. It allows you to space out the frequency of shampooing.

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The Purifying Mask soothes itching and regulates excess sebum . It is ideal against dermatitis.

·       It brings a pleasant feeling of freshness and calms irritations. It allows you to space out the frequency of shampooing.

·       It is based on a plant complex with sebum-regulating properties combining extracts of pepper, thyme, vine, nettle, salicylic acid, clay and myrrh promoting micro-circulation.

·       Allantoin has recognized soothing properties.

Seboregulating Powder

The Seboregulating Purifying and Detox Powder regulates excess sebum effectively and strengthens the hair.

·       Aromas Cosmétiques hair powder enriched with moringa powder, nettle and green clay, helps purify the scalp and provide a feeling of freshness.

·       Designed for scalps with a tendency to be oily and/or inflamed.

·       It regulates excess sebum, purifies the scalp and eliminates dandruff!

     We hope that our valuable advice will help you! 😊


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