
5 misconceptions about hair growth

5 misconceptions about hair growth

When we want to promote hair growth , it is common to fall into the trap of false beliefs. There are many hair tips circulating, and yet they are not all reliable! In this article, we sort out the truth from the fiction and reveal the biggest fake hair news.

1) Hair grows faster when you cut it!

It's wrong ! In reality, hair growth occurs at the roots, with a natural cycle that includes three distinct phases: the hair growth phase, the resting phase, and the shedding phase. Each hair that falls out naturally is replaced by a new one that grows little by little, directly from the hair follicle which is located under the skin at our scalp.

Cutting the ends of your hair therefore does not influence growth at the roots. However, by cutting the ends, we eliminate split ends and prevent breakage of the hair fiber! If split ends are left untreated, the ends may break off and cut off on their own, making it appear as if the hair is not growing. Weakened hair therefore needs a little conditioning cut before the damaged ends rise and create the appearance of messy hair of different lengths!


2) hair grows more when you brush it often

It's time to demystify the link between brushing your hair and growing it. This belief comes from the fact that many people confuse health and hair growth. But hair doesn't grow faster if you brush it more often, that's not true. In reality, brushing plays a role in the overall health of the hair, it helps distribute natural oils, rid the scalp of certain impurities and untangle knots. However, it does not alter the natural hair growth cycle.

Be careful, this belief can even have a negative effect on your hair. Excessive brushing can weaken or even break the hair fiber, weaken the hair structure and, when the traction is too intense, lead to hair loss.

3) Hair growth is the same for everyone

At first glance, thinking that hair growth is the same for everyone may seem logical because we observe continuous growth in most people, but the reality is quite different: the speed of hair growth is closely linked to genetics and varies from person to person. And yes, each individual has a unique genetic heritage which determines the speed of the hair cycle. But it's not just genetics that play a role in hair growth: general health, hair routines, diets, and hormonal fluctuations are other factors that can influence how quickly hair grows. grow.

Discover 5 resolutions to adopt for faster growth in our dedicated article >


4) hair grows faster in summer

Many people think that their hair grows faster in summer, but in reality, this is not the case! Although hair may appear more vibrant during this time, the length does not vary. Several factors contribute to the illusion of longer hair in summer:

  1. The humidity in the air is higher, which makes the hair more supple and voluminous, making it appear longer.
  2. Reduced use of heating tools reduces breakage at the ends, making hair appear to grow faster.
  3. There is seasonal hair loss which is more common in autumn, therefore in summer hair falls less giving the illusion of longer hair.
  4. In summer, we spend more time outdoors, exposed to the sun, which provides an extra dose of vitamin D to the hair and therefore makes it more beautiful.
  5. During this season, we tend to pay more attention to our hair routine by adapting our care, the hair is pampered and appears in better shape.

In reality, the rate of hair growth remains constant throughout the year and is not influenced by the seasons. The variations observed are due to weather conditions and the care taken during this period.

stimulate growth

5) hair sometimes stops growing

The myth that hair growth sometimes stops comes from a misinterpretation of the natural hair cycle. In reality, hair does not suddenly stop growing, but rather goes through a continuous cycle of growth, rest, and shedding. The hair life cycle includes three phases:

  1. Anagen (growth phase): This phase usually lasts 2 to 7 years, hair actively grows approximately 1 to 1.5 cm per month.
  2. Catagen (transition phase): This is a short period of approximately 2-3 weeks, where hair growth slows down and the hair follicle shrinks.
  3. Telogen (resting phase): During this phase, the follicle rests for about 3 months, and the hair eventually falls out naturally. At the end of this phase, the growth cycle begins again with the appearance of new hair in the anagen phase.

But be careful, hair does not all follow the same phases at the same time, of course your hair will not all fall out at the same time. It is normal to lose a certain amount of hair every day (around 50 to 100) as old hair moves from the resting phase to the shedding phase, new hair enters the growing phase. It may seem that hair growth stops when it reaches a certain length or when it goes through a phase where it seems not to grow. In reality, it is not a cessation of growth, but rather a natural transition in the life cycle of the hair.

Learn more about hair growth on our Instagram account >

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